Michelle Donelan Mp

Speaking in an Urgent Question about Fair School Funding in Parliament



Yesterday I spoke in an Urgent Question asking about delays in the Government implementing Fair Funding for Wiltshire Schools. Last year I coordinated a petition signed by around 8,000 local residents who shared my concerns that the current way that schools are funded is ludicrous. The system has lasted for decades and led to a situation where Wiltshire pupils receive over £2,000 less than pupils in the best funded areas. I asked the Secretary of State to recognise the optimism that the schools in my Chippenham constituency felt when a fair funding formula was announced and to confirm that she remains committed to the pupils in Wiltshire who have lost out for too long. I am concerned that delays will cause uncertainty for local schools when it comes their funding and will work to ensure that there is clear information sent to schools as soon as possible.