Christ Church Bartlett

Session 6 — The Church at Pergamos



Session 6 — The Church at Pergamos [Revelation 2:12:17] — February 21, 2021 I. The Lord Jesus is coming to judge both the living and the dead by the Word of His mouth! II. The pagans of ancient Pergamos worshipped at the massive altar of Zeus – which is the Greek equivalent of Baal, or Satan. III.Satan is the ruler of this world and god of this age, but like all principalities and powers, his seat of authority is limited by locality. IV.When we take the name of the LORD, we are claiming Him as our Heavenly Father and representing Him to the world. V. The doctrine of Balaam produces greedy leaders who take advantage of others for selfish gain and who compromise holiness for sexual indulgence. VI. The church is called to be a witness for Christ in the world but never is to become of the world. Personal Application ➡ We must engage in spiritual warfare using the weapons God gave us! ➡ We must Repent of our worldliness, sexual immorality and idolatry ➡ We must hold fast to the name of Jesus and never be ashamed