Dance And Stuff

Episode 305: With or Without You



This week Jeremy and Reid are fairly out of sorts and sorts are fairly out of Reid and Jeremy. Topics include the highly emotional conclusion of "Jury Duty" and the dramatic beginning of "Dead Ringers". Bolth available on Amazon Prime. Prime is nailing it; WHO KNEW?! Dead Ringers with Rachel Weisz Dead Ringers (1988) with Jeremy Irons Join Us on Patreon⁠ for the 1hr and 20 min review of Bob Fosse's Dancin'⁠ Nowhere Apparent.⁠  ← Watch it at Dancin'. ←← On Broadway!  ◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠ ⁠➩ WEBSITE⁠ ◦ ⁠YOUTUBE ⁠◦⁠ ⁠⁠INSTAGRAM⁠⁠ ⁠ ⁠➩ SUPPORT W/$.99⁠ ◦ ⁠PATREON⁠ ◦ ⁠THE MERCH⁠ ⁠➩ REID⁠ ◦ ⁠JEREMY⁠ ◦ ⁠JACK⁠ ◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠ ⁠➩⁠ ◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠◠