Quintessential Listening: Poetry

Quintessential Listening: Poetry Online Radio Presents David Leo Sirois



David Leo Sirois is a Canadian-American poet published 142 times, in 24 countries. His work has been translated into 12 languages (Hindi, Bengali, Nepali, French, German, Czech, Spanish, Greek, Romanian, Chinese, Turkish, & Doric). He hosts Spoken World Online, the Zoom continuation of SpokenWord Paris. His first collection is called Humbledoves (poems to pigeons & plants). He won Third Prize in Winning Writers' Wergle Flomp Humor Poetry Contest. Sirois is a member of the Academy of American Poets, & the Writers International Capital Foundation, & has been honored for his “contribution to world literature” by The Fertile Brains, a renowned literary group in India. His poetry has appeared in journals such as The Bombay Review, The Poetry Village, One Hand Clapping, Indian Periodical, The Sunday Tribune Online, THE BASTILLE, the Madras Courier, & Terre à Cièl (which also published his translations from the French). David is often featured at global events, such as the Panorama International