Mangala Shri Bhuti - The Link

Lojong: Where Wisdom and Compassion Meet (Link #651)



Speaker: Dungse Jampal Norbu. This LINK is an excerpt from a talk originally given on December 4th, 2021, at a three-day program called, "Lojong: Where Wisdon and Compassion Meet". Dungse-la gives a history of Lojong with a focus on Chekawa Yeshe Dorje's Seven Points of Mind Training and its numerous, available English translations. Developing bodhicitta, the intention to generate warmth and become enlightened for the benefit of all sentient beings, is at the core of the Lojong teachings. Dungse-la reviews foundational teachings of Buddhism and how they enable us to switch gears from the eight worldly concerns to the four immeasureables, where generating bodhicitta becomes a central aim of our life.