Mr. Stillman's Opus

Retirement Expenses For Which You Forgot To Plan



Are you preparing for retirement but feeling confident that you have covered all the expenses? Well, think again… It turns out that many retirees overlook some crucial expenses that can leave them financially vulnerable. In this episode, we explore the retirement expenses that most people tend to forget, including skyrocketing medical bills, unexpected travel costs, taxes, and much more. We'll discuss practical tips and strategies to help you plan for these expenses and ensure a secure and comfortable retirement. Here's some of what you'll learn on this episode:  Are you prepared for everything Medicare doesn’t cover in retirement? (1:35) Many families have to provide financial support for parents and children. (6:38) What often gets overlooked when it comes to tax planning. (9:21) How to prepare to tackle those maintenance and repair expenses that pop up. (12:13) Why you have to increase income streams to incorporate inflation into your plan. (13:40)   Connect with us:  Web: https://rosewoodwealthmanagement