Pro Church Podcast With Brady Shearer

Older Congregations Eager To Grow, Increase Your Reach On Social, & Worst Church Print Blunders



Send in your question via text to 1-800-485-3139. Question #1 (02:03): I just took the leap from a large student ministry to a small older congregation as a lead pastor. Our church is older, not tech savvy, but is looking to grow. I am 32, pretty tech savvy, and ready to reach our community. What would be your advice on updating our methods of ministry? Question #2 (12:43): How do I increase our reach on TikTok? My Pastor's reels regularly get 10-20k views on Facebook but the same video on TikTok gets around 250. Question #3 (25:53): So I posted on my Instagram Stories - "Collecting church comms nightmare stories. Please share." And it quickly turned into all the times churches have messed up their print materials. Just wanted to share a few. Question #4 (30:11): Time for a new series we're starting today called - "What's Wrong Lately." I'll go first.