Ned Specktor

How to get SUPER clear on your END GOAL. Rock with me PODCAST FAM!



Love you PODCAST and missed you! Really think about what it is that you want to accomplish and get INCREDIBLY clear on the end result. Tony Robbins has a tool called RPM which stands for Rapid Planning Method. The R stands for RESULT. What is outcome. The CLEAR end result you want? Get incredibly specific. This is SO important. The P is purpose. WHY do you want to accomplish this? When it’s something larger than yourself it will PULL you instead of you having to push. And finally when you know what and why you can figure out any how, and that is the M...MASSIVE action plan. The steps you need to make it happen. Let’s really take the time to do this. I’m so committed to making this show so great and valuable for you and I am really digging in on my prep and planning so I can accomplish it and build a platform as large as Oprah Winfrey. Scary to even type but exciting beyond words. That is where I think passion lives. Let’s go big people. Love you PODCAST FAM! Let’s rock! #motivation #tonyrobbins #preparation #