Tales of Eldelórne

Shadow Man, chapter 20



Our friends feel real joy in finding each other. Roevash has a bout of paranoia as he spies someone aggressively tailing them on their path. EJ and Fionna grow even closer.  “Eldelórne:Genesis” by Chris St.Germain  “A Peaceful Sanctuary” by Tristan Lohengrin on Soundcloud.com  “Longing” “That was Then this is Now” “Sunrise over Dystopia” by Punch Deck on Soundcloud.com Attribution 3.0 Unported license “Borgar” “Behind the Sword” “Marked” “Wanderer” “ Entertainment” and “Adventurer” by Alexander Nakarada, serpentsoundstudios.com Music is Licensed under Creative Commons BY Attribution 4.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/  _____________________ THERE IS A LOT MORE TO THE STORY TO BE TOLD! New episodes are published here every Thursday at 6:00 am cst and on YouTube by 1:00 pm cst. If you want to hear the rest of the story subscribe to the channel, and don’t forget to give me some love with a five star review or a big thumbs up! I will thank you now, and Galo anor erin râd dh