Full E-booked

Full e-Booked Season 18 - Part 6 - The 5 Love Languages - You Could've Got Me Anything



Have you ever wondered why your perception and thoughts on what constitutes love and affection might differ from a person you have been romantically involved with? Have you ever wondered why your gifts of appreciation were not appreciated by your partner? Have you ever wondered why the words of affection you want to hear from a partner were never said? Wonder no more! The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman is a book which seeks to answer these questions and many more by explaining that you and the person you are romantically involved with may simply be speaking different languages...different love languages! Join the Full e-Booked family as we discuss all things love languages in Season 18 - just in time to tie in with the month containing the most romantic date in the calendar year. Full e-Booked!