Alloutcoach Tim

The 2021 Renaissance of Ideas - Truth, Beauty and Wisdom: Happy New Year! Leadership Series, Episode 13



The New Year is my personal favorite holiday and the Renaissance is my favorite period of our history so here is my very special New Year's Greeting full of my Best Wishes and a Suggestion to Revisit our World with the eyes of the independent thinkers, artists, sculptors, and humanists that age to begin a Renaissance of Ideas of our own in 2021! There are many lessons and analogies we can draw from during our pandemic from the Renaissance Age in which ideas, art, science, philosophy and literature all flourished beginning with Giovanni Bocaccio's "Decameron" collection of 100 short stories from 10 people escaping the plague of their time, among others.   Though the Renaissance ended centuries ago, it produced some marvels of the world which have since not been reproduced. For example, there is only one place in this world I have been to where I truly felt like I was a part of a live painting - at the Florence Dome (Cupola) of Brunelleschi. It is a perfect example of life intertwined with art. We have enjoyed