Tribe Byron Bay

Episode 140: Maria Mason - Life of the Warrior: Exposing the Father of Lies - 12 March 2023



In our new series, we dive into the character and lifestyle of an overcomer. We are called to be warriors in the Spirit as we fight the unseen battle with the powers of darkness. To rise as warriors, we must recognise the enemy's works and how he is constantly plotting our defeat. Ephesians 5 says: “Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them”. Satan is the Father of lies, and we are called to expose His works and deeds. He moves in lies in three ways in our lives: lying about God to us, lying about people to us and lying about us to us! He is the accuser and the condemner of our hearts. He has nothing good to say, and we must recognise how he tries to manipulate us through subtle and, at times, not-so-subtle witchcraft that can be like being under a spell (Galatians 3:1). Many have fallen away from their faith or lost their first love, because they did not understand the spirit of witchcraft and how it can masquerade as the Holy Spirit to us, releasing lies, false prophecy