Truthstream Oasis

The Spirit of AntiChrist Revealed



Many believe that there will be a literal temple re-built in Jerusalem and that the current Road Map to Peace is leading us to a peace treaty that will fulfill this prophecy. Some even believe that the AntiChrist, a man indwelt by Satan himself, will stand in this re-built temple someday and proclaim himself God to the whole world. Would you fall for this? Would anyone? What do the scriptures teach? Are the teachings of the popular book series, "Left Behind", leaving Truth behind? This podcast covers an in-depth study of 2 Thessalonians 2, chatter about the movie, "The Secret", and the absolute perversion of the teachings of the Bible into a Gospel of Greed. All of these topics together paint a picture that will show you how Satan is merging the secular world with the religious and setting the whole world up for the Big Lie. Vaccinate yourself against the coming deception with the Truth of God's Word!