Truthstream Oasis

The Two Witnesses Revealed (Must Hear!)



Lately, there seems to be a steady flow of false prophets appearing on the scene. This will go from bad... to worse. We need to be prepared for this onslaught. We must be grounded in the truth of God's Word so well, that we will be able to spot a fake immediately! Ronald Weinland, of the Church of God, has made some bold claims. He claims to be one of the book of Revelation's two witnesses. He also claims that he has been called by God to prepare us for the coming worldwide judgements that will ultimately culminate with the coming of Christ to set up a "One World Government" resulting in a "New World Order" (See his book, "The Prophesied End-Time", page 33). Check out The Fourth Watch ( ) for more information as to what Ronald Weinland's New World Order agenda may be... You must be prepared for the deception that these false prophets will try to peddle as truth! Today's podcast deals with all the scriptures that relate to the 2 witnesses spoken of in Revelation 11:3. The