Truthstream Oasis

The New World Order Agenda Part 1



What is the New World Order? How does it affect you? Be assured.... It WILL affect you. It will affect the ENTIRE world! We are on the cusp of changes that will forever alter the way of life of billions of people across the planet. The whole world has been caught up in a cosmic battle over good, evil and the hearts and souls of mankind. Many Christians are unwilling to listen to the dire warnings of the watchmen that God has stationed on the walls to warn those who are "inside the city". I am urging all Christians to give this podcast a fair hearing. I understand that it is much more comfortable living in this world when your perception of it is that it is still farily "safe". The fact is that our leaders are involved in selling this country out to a global conspiracy to set up a one world government called the New World Order.... believe it, or not. The mentality of today's world is much more prepared to accept this reality than the world was even just a few short years ago. The word "conspiracy" denote