Truthstream Oasis

Monopoly Men: How the Beast is Fed



Did you know that the Federal Reserve is neither "federal" nor does it have any gold in "reserve"? Were you aware that the creation of the Federal Reserve system perpetrated the greatest heist of wealth in all history? Did you know that with this Federal Reserve system that money DOES really "grow on trees"? TruthStream, with the help of Phenomenon: "The Lost Archives", exposes how the Federal Reserve Heist is not a "conspiracy theory", but a conspiracy REALITY. This podcast features all the audio from the movie: Monopoly Men: The Federal Reserve Story, hosted by Dean Stockwell of Quantam Leap fame. Even though it's original format is film, you won't miss a beat. The audio is outstanding. As usual, I add a sprinkling of Bible scriptures and commentary that compliments the film to show how this fits into Bible prophecy. PodCast Reference Information: Podcast Discussion: Don't forget to click the link below