Truthstream Oasis

The Selling of America



America went from a God-fearing nation to a cash-worshipping harlot in just under 250 years. The men and women who were given a trust to lead this nation in truth and justice... are now revealing by their actions, that they know not the meaning of either truth or justice. They are traitors and looters who have no loyalty to the God of the Bible or the people He has given them charge over. Through treaties like NAFTA and GATT, we have allowed our manufacturing base to move over seas. We have little to export other than our dollars. America is quicly becoming a service nation whose only service is to "work-to-consume". This was a difficult podcast to do. It is clearly evident that God is turning His face away from us and removing His favor. We are being sold into the hands of foreigners who have no loyalty to the people of this nation. Only national repentence with weeping and wailing from the heart can avert our captivity. The American people were the last garrison against a one world government. While most