Truthstream Oasis

The Holy Spirit OR Demonic Oppression?



This has been a crazy week. I've struggled with some fundamental questions that God has brought to the forefront as we face this great spiritual battle going on between Good and Evil. I want to share some things that God has revealed to me. God tells us that He is a "Father to the father-less" and I have learned this first-hand this week. He mentors those who draw close to Him. He answers all questions if we just ask Him. How wonderful our God is!! Have you ever wondered what it feels like when God is drawing near to you? Have you ever wondered how you would discern a demonic attack of oppression from the Holy Spirit's refining fire? This is a question that we don't often think about, but does bear giving attention to... especially since there is all kinds of spiritual activity going on in our day. You MUST know the difference between Godly sorrow and worldly sorrow. There IS a distinct difference, you know! Tune in and see why that "oppression" you might be feeling may be your greatest opportunity for