American Monetary Association

439: Low Employment Rate Driving the Fed Nuts! Wes Gray, Alpha Architect



Jason Hartman is joined by Wesley Gray, CEO of Alpha Architect for a fascinating discussion on inflation hedges and future scenarios for commodities and crypto. How should we allocate risk right now? Why is crypto performing so poorly? Are we truly becoming a Banana Republic that does not end well? Jason and Wesley discuss a few things that you should always consider including keeping your tax rates down as much as possible. Fees and taxes are things you can often control, whereas we can’t control what the economy or inflation is going to do.  And why is crypto doing so poorly when it should, at least in theory, be the inflation hedge asset? Where’s Michael Saylor? Isn’t Bitcoin digital gold? Without a military behind it, will cryptocurrencies ever be truly viable? Key takeaway: 0:28 Welcome Wesley Gray, CEO & Co-CIO, Alpha Architect – Empowering investors through education 1:31 How do we allocate risk? 3:17 What assets should you be owning right now? Stocks, commodities? 6:24 Controlling your tax rates 7