Rescue Radio With Marjorie Cole

RESCUE RADIO: ”Great Expectations” with Marjorie Cole



Great expectations in life and in God can be the source of great disappointment. The ways of God do not work like the ways of the world.  Many of us think our ideas of how things should work in this walk with Jesus are “off”. We don’t like to hear this because we have been programmed to measure success by this world’s standards. But when we look at the way God worked with His people, we see a different story. We have our mind set, like Naaman, on how God should do things. And when God does not do things like we want, we get disappointed. Disappointment is expecting something we didn’t get. Disappointment sets up a great barrier to faith. Maybe it is time to let God be God and do things His way. God wants to do miracles, things only He can do – but He wants willing vessels to do those Miracles through. Maybe then, if we let God be God, and let Him do the miracles, there won’t be so much disappointment and discouragement in the Body of Christ. After all, HE IS the Head! Checkout the Life Recovery Store. "Becaus