Rescue Radio With Marjorie Cole

RESCUE RADIO: ”Why Do We Suffer?” with Marjorie Cole



Suffering is part of this fallen world. Can it be avoided? Is there any redeeming merit to it? Is there such a thing as suffering needlessly? What does it mean to suffer for Christ? As common as suffering is among us, suffering still remains a mystery. Its origin and purposes seem to be hidden to us though we could be missing some of suffering’s greatest benefits.  God uses suffering to refine our faith to bring forth the character and image of Christ in our lives. Jesus Himself learned obedience (demonstrated His obedience) through the things He suffered. It is a privilege to enter into the fellowship of His sufferings although most of us do not see suffering as a privilege but as a punishment.  Check out "Pain & Suffering" cd at the Life Recovery Store. "Because There Is A War For Your Soul" "Because There Is A War For Your Soul"