Eat This! Drink That!

Project SEARCH sets stage for improved outcomes



Adults and young adults with developmental challenges will find a champion in Erin Riehle.  Director of Project SEARCH she leads a team that works with local businesses, industries, companies - and even hospitals - to establish and nurture long term relationships that result training, mentorship and ultimately work for a  segment of of population that are often not seen in the workplace. Thought Erin is based in Cincinnati she finds new partners in the wider world.  She seems to have a particular fondness for Canada!  Here is what their website says:  "Project SEARCH is a unique school-to-work training program for students with disabilities. Students are immersed at a host business and get more than 700 hours of hands-on work experience geared to in-demand roles in the local labour market. They learn employability skills and plan their careers with guidance from a teacher and skills trainers." Join me as I talk with Erin about the current efforts, what motivates the program, and the s