Roxy Fever

120 - The Boys Are Back In Town



WARNING: The following podcast was recorded before the Canucks (and the league at large) decided to lose their damn minds ahead of the trade deadline. So don't laugh too much when Jackson says "We'll see what becomes of that" with regards to the Islanders' first round pick. With Vyas finally back from galavanting across Europe, the guys catch up on everything that went down while he was away -- which in the case of the Canucks happens to be A LOT of weird and wild stuff -- so much in fact that you may have already forgotten some of it as your brain clears space to make room for new stuff. It's been a defrag your brain type of season. Anyway, Jackson is back from his honeymoon and the guys will have a reaction pod to the Trade Deadline coming your way before you know it. Support the show at where $5 a month gets you locker room access to the monthly Heritage Minutes.