Rebel Moon

Alien Invasion Hysteria 1938



Alien Invasion Hysteria 1938 ADFollowing on from the last Pod about Is a fake  ET Invasion being staged. This is a real planned Psy-Op called Project Blue Beam. A Hologram Event either to mimic the return of the Messiah or an Alien Invasion. The recent attempted Media hysteria of an Alien Invasion of the US isn't the first time we have witnessed similar mass paranoia from America. As I keep saying, past historical keep revisiting us as if to wake people up to common sense.It happened in real time back in 1938 with an Orson Wells 'War Of The Worlds' Radio Broadcast which thousands of people took seriously as a real invasion from Mars. It resulted in a wave of panic across America including suicides before the Martians got them. If it was one of the early Psy Op's.. it was much more effective than Mickey Mouse Balloon UFO's being bandied around for the feeble minded!Hacking The Future Support the show