Mangala Shri Bhuti - The Link

What Makes the Dharma the Dharma? (Link #644)



Speaker: Joe Wilson. Joe suggests that cultivating a scholarly understanding of Tibetan Buddhism can ground and enrich our contemplative and meditative practices. There are subtle nuances involved in translating Sanskrit and Tibetan words into English. Appreciating these nuances can lead us to clarify the meanings of commonly-used terms like "dharma," "sangha," and "dzogchen." To make our aspirations more precise and deepen our connections to the Three Jewels, it is useful to contemplate what we mean when we take "refuge" in them. By studying the system of Tibetan Buddhism, and the scholars and practitioners who developed and transmitted it to us, we can cultivate a deeper appreciation for the blessings of our connection to the Longchen Nyingtik lineage, to our guru, and to our Sangha.