

Trying to create new, effective habits is often associated with first trying to kill-off any existing bad habits that are holding us back. In this quick, high-value episode, Martin and I identify the three most important  “MENTS” when it comes to busting those bad habits!“Birds of a feather flock together."EnvironMENTWhy would our environment influence our habits? Well, as our energy wanes throughout the day (along with our willpower), it is essential that your environment is tailored to support your new habits and goals. For example, if you're trying to lose weight, throwing out all of the potato chips in the pantry is a great start. The environMENT applies to all things--not just a new diet. When you surround yourself with like-minded people it provides a great support system to help you craft new habits.“A nail is driven out by another nail. Habit is overcome by habit." ~Desiderius Erasmus2. ReplaceMENTQuitting any habit cold turkey is often difficult and ineffective because it leaves a void. When it comes