

"Habit; A shackle for the free." ~Ambrose Bierce Martin shares how his latest experiment, abstaining from alcohol for just one month (unable to have a beer or two a night) then evolved into another behavior experiment, a modified low carb/diet. Both of these he explains were fairly painful yet, the fruits— the rewards of each have been fantastic! "It's kinda like the frogs that are boiled to death in the pot as they are slowly cooked. The temperature rises slowly, one degree at a time and they never notice or try to escape until it's too late. The frogs are just too comfortable until, of course, they are dead." "There are two great pains in life," Jim Rohn is famous for saying. "The pain of discipline or the pain of regret." "Discipline" he assures us "weighs ounces but regret weighs tons." The bad news is there is no escaping the pain. The good news is we have a choice. And, the best news is; you should know that there is tremendous FRUIT on the other side of that pain and challenge you put yourself under! I