

"Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.” ~R.W. Emerson [Here's STEP #5 (week #5) in our BREAKTHROUGH mini-series, "How to Make 2018 Your Best, Breakthrough New Year Ever!"] Step #5 =  Energy & Enthusiasm! Step #1 was about Deciding. Step #2 was about Assessing Step #3 was about Values, Mission and Vision Step #4 was about Passion & Purpose And, now we're on to Energy & Enthusiasm! It's simple math really... YOU are energy and your goal is going to require energy in order to be achieved.  Mark twain once quipped, "And what is a man without energy? Nothing— nothing at all." It cannot be over-stated... the quality of your energy and enthusiasm will have a direct influence upon the achievement of your goals. The quality of your energy and enthusiasm will have a direct influence upon your goals! #habits #goals (tweet that one ; ) So, when it comes to your "energy being" what do you do DAILY to optimize your energy? What is your diet like? Have you fine-tuned your diet lately? Are you track