

“No man is free who cannot command himself.” ~ Epictetus “Through discipline comes freedom.” ~ Aristotle Today's Mind-Bullet Monday is a little risqué -- and risky: You may know someone who is a comfort w***e... perhaps, intimately! (Google at your own risk!) Building on previous episodes that center around the concepts of controls and constraints, MG revisits the idea that we are selling out our long-term goals for instant gratification. There's nothing wrong with comfort; we all seek it, crave it and deserve it. But we need to do the hard stuff too. How can you tell if you've become one yourself? MG suggests your results will speak for themselves. Is your health where you'd like it? How about your weight? Your work success? Are your goals being met? Oscillation is key -- adding controls and constraints to our lives, mixed in with the comfort we seek, creates a healthy balance. Remember, Habit works both ways: The stronger the comfort habit becomes, the more you threaten your true goals. Nip it in the bud! A