

"In life, goals are not optional." ~Grunburg "Action is the real measure of intelligence." ~Napoleon Hill This special Mind Bullet Wednesday edition brings us a fascinating follow-up to our Alex Bates interview on artificial intelligence: In order to develop artificial intelligence, the programmer MUST begin with a GOAL. Therefore, does it not stand to reason as intelligent beings, we MUST have goals. To put it another way: If artificial intelligence is "Goal directed behavior." What is "real" intelligence? Ultimately, whether we want to admit it or not, REAL intelligence is the establishment of, and pursuit (action) of goals. The natural follow-up question is, "How do I set goals?" While "S.M.A.R.T." Goals have been a favorite methodology since the 80's it never accounted for the force HABIT plays in goal achievement! The Habit Factor continues to teach and preach that when positive habits are aligned with your goals, you are on the fastest most efficient path to achieve your goals.  To be intelligent then i