Flix And A Six

Episode 205: We follow a Maverick into the Lake Shore Fog



Synopsis4 episodes in 4 we-- nah we're back to being a fully operational battle station for real. Just how we planned it. A blockbuster episode for a blockbuster movie. Plus a blast from the past, fucking hell, and more. We're on the highway to the danger zone. The Basics Flick — Top Gun: Maverick Six — Southern Tier Lake Shore Fog Hosts — Anthony Costanzo & Alessandro Biolsi Toot-length ReviewsA wonderfully executed requel that tells its own well structured story and pays homage to its origin all while elevating its predecessor in the process. 8/10 — AnthonyAn old school action movie with a new coat of paint. A fun time and exactly what the movie theater was made for. 7.5/10 — Al