Limelight Highlight

"CPSprotect Consulting Services" Feat. Jay Rosenthal



I know its been a long time since we’ve had podcast. Life came at me fast and I have had my hands pretty preoccupied with a new baby, a new home and a new job. But i’m back here to do what I love most and that is to deliver some positivity to the problems plaguing the world. If you’re new here then welcome to Limelight Highlight A podcast where we discuss everyday societal issues with founders and organizers developing solutions. I am your host Jonathan Rosario aka JRose and on this welcome back episode I am joined by The founder of CPS Protects Consulting Services, Jay Rosenthal. Jay was a former child protective services investigator and started his consulting service in 2022. Having served as an investigator for years, he realized that although the intentions of child protective services are good, the practice of child protective services investigations has increased its intrusion on parental rights, and at times, it causes more hurt than it helps. CPS protect Consulting services is designed to help counte