The Chuck And Brad Podcast

#534 - Chuck's Nerf Obsession, The Val Kilmer Documentary, and Our Dark Knight Show Recap



We kick things off with Chuck bragging about his cool new Nerf collection - am I foolish for thinking that if foam darts are rocketing toward my eyes, some glasses might be helpful? Chuck seems to think so! We then answer some listener emails including a big Would You Rather. From there, Chuck tells me about the Val Kilmer documentary "Val" on Prime Video and I agree to watch it soon. After that, he tells me all about his cool Rhode Island Day with TESD mainstay Frank Five and Mrs. Five. Finally, we talk about our recent gig at the Comedy Connection; all the work behind the scenes, everything that went wrong, so many jokes at Ray Harrington's expense, then winning the crowd over with the final bit. The show was a success. - Chuck MP3 Download