Limelight Highlight

Limelight Highlight "The Ocean Clean Up" *22*



Happy Cinco De Mayo! I hope everyone had a safe holiday. On this episode of the podcast we discuss something that I find very interesting and important to the world. We discussed "The Ocean Clean Up" company. Forbes had an article that I came across thanks to the lovely Arlene Sanchez who happens to be my wife. I got sucked in the moment I began reading the article. The goals of this company and how they want to rid the ocean of plastic trash is my favorite thing about it. In the article it discusses a U shaped floating boom system that collects trash to be picked up and it doesn't even use fuel or anything harmful to the environment. Tech companies have been financially backing this company and that means the world when big money companies want to help change the world for the better. After all it is why I like to do this podcast. To find out more on this company or the article itself, visit the links I have provided below. Thanks for listening. Forbes article: