Limelight Highlight

Limelight Highlight "Comic-Con Positivity" *32*



This episode of the podcast is all about the positivity to come out of Comic-Con's 50th Anniversary. Starting with a company called Magic Wheelchair. A company started by a father of 5 who's first born was diagnosed with (SMA) Spinal Muscular Atrophy at 9 months old. In 2008 he was inspired to create a costumed designed around his son's wheel chair after asking his son what he wanted to be for Halloween. His son said a pirate and that's where the company took off, designing wheelchairs for families free of charge and bringing attention as well as making a kid feel a little bit more normal about their disease. Our main story is about Edgardo Miranda-Rodriguez, the owner and creator of the "La Borinqueña" comic. With a young comic starting in 2016 already an iconic figure for Puerto Rico, Edgardo was given the humanitarian award for using his platform to combat injustices done to the Puerto Rican people as well as bring attention to the conditions the island is in, especially after the tragedy of hurricane Mari