Limelight Highlight

Limelight Highlight "All About the Environment" *70*



On this episode of the podcast we discuss news all about the environment since that was the outcome of the last poll we had. You all participated in the poll and for that I thank you. We touch on the benefits that wild wolves have on the environment and how 20 new wolf pups are being cross-fostered into wild wolf packs to diversify the gene pool. We discuss how innovative the UK has become with all of their efforts to provide clean energy to their country and help out the environment. Our last story touches on the Great Pacific Garbage patch and how an organization has been setting records by continuing to collect all of the toxic plastics that have accumulated in the area, as well as their plans to continue to work on cleaning the ocean and making sure that the plastic they collect does not end up in landfills which is very important. Our Limelight PPDPT goes to Campaign Zero. For their work in enacting laws and trying to minimize police brutality and violence. Be sure to check out the useful links section f