Vicki Abelson's Broadcast: The Road Taken

Leland Sklar Live On Game Changers With Vicki Abelson



Leland Sklar Live on Game Changers With Vicki Abelson It’s always a stupendous no BS joy to sit down with bassist, and humanitarian extraordinaire, Leland Sklar. Does absence make the heart grow fonda, does familiarity breed an easy intimacy that translates to free-flowing fun? I’m gonna say, “Yes.” This was a gas! In the best possible way. Lee filled us in on his festival fall. Well, the film festivals for Denny Tedesco’s doc, Immediate Family, were total triumphs, but Lee’s lack of self-care whilst promoting it landed him in ER with a brain bleed, damaged hand, facial stitches, and an oral reconstruction surgery degree to add to his resume. Ouch, what a story! The film however is blissfully sensational! We talked about Lee’s YouTube Channel, only two years in the making with over 215K subscribers, new videos dropped daily, and bi-weekly clubhouse, which has created community and camaraderie. Leave it to Leland. We got the story behind Lee’s Everybody Loves Me, a photo collection of “birds” as it we