Pro Church Podcast With Brady Shearer

No To Church Apps In 2023, Social Media Post Timing & Handheld Mics



Send in your question via text to 1-800-485-3139. Question #1 (02:31): What is the value of having a dedicated app for your church as opposed to just relying on your existing website? Question #2 (24:40): With the  discovery algorithms taking over, does it still matter what time I post each day? Since the focus isn't getting our followers to see our stuff, seems it wouldn't matter as much what time we post. It all goes into a giant pile and whatever resonates with the folks is what gets 'pushed' to the front of the line. Am I wrong? Question #3 (27:34): Wondering if you could tackle this for the podcast - why do many influential, young pastors preach with a hand held mic rather than an over the ear headset/lapel? Question #4 (36:04): Brady and Alex, what are your pet peeves?