Dr. Tommy Show

Debt Ceiling Lies, Mass Shooters Not Media's Type, Woke Med School, Kamala's Weird Abortion Speech



Broadcasting from the Free State of Florida where Kamala omits "Creator" and "Life" from her Declaration of Independence quote while speaking at an abortion celebration. Probably a good idea given the occasion. She and Biden sure make a team when it comes to Declaration quotes. Why the Debt Ceiling Debate line about protecting Social Security is a line of bull. We go to the late great Walter Williams for guidance on the topic. There are two shooters in the news recently but neither meet Drive-By Media standards for amplification and will likely be forgotten in 24 hours. One was Asian the other was black (or I am supposed to say Black, it gets hard remembering what current political correctness standard applies). What is reality is that gun control laws put "people of color" in harms way because they are most likely to be victims of crime in the inner cities where criminals prey on them. Their only defense may be a gun, but that's a no-no in these Blue Hell Holes. Woke Vanderbilt is programming its med stud