
The Future of Augmented Reality and Apple Glasses with Robert Scoble



The Future of Augmented Reality and Apple Glasses with Robert ScobleEpisode Show Notes: Robert Scoble works with companies that are implementing Spatial Computing technologiesRobert is a futurist and technology strategist and the author of four books about technology trends, being the first to report on technologies from autonomous vehicles to Siri. Previous positions held by Robert include being a strategist at Microsoft, a futurist at Rackspace, Chief Strategy Officer at Infinite Retina, and the producer and host of a video show about technology at Fast Company.Spatial computing is the next step in the ongoing convergence of the physical and digital worlds. It does everything virtual-reality and augmented-reality apps do: digitize objects that connect via the cloud; allow sensors and motors to react to one another; and digitally represent the real world.Spatial computing will soon bring human-machine and machine-machine interactions to new levels of efficiency in many walks of life, among them industry, hea