
How Category Theory is Changing The Data Science Industry with Eric Daimler



Episode Show Notes: - Eric Daimler is the CEO & Co-Founder of Daimler is an authority in Artificial Intelligence with over 20 years of experience in the field as an entrepreneur, executive, investor, technologist, and policy advisor. Daimler has co-founded six technology companies that have done pioneering work in fields ranging from software systems to statistical arbitrage.- Daimler believes the Obama administration made big efforts to bring in more technologists into government for innovation and digital modernization, and is optimistic that sensibility around a digitally native environment will be expressed inside of the Federal Government, and continue to trickle down into states' governments for the benefit of all. - Human failure has come before machines got trained on human failures. Therefore, technologists can't use massive amounts of data on every human problem and expect to come out with mind blowing results. So there's limitations on technology. What can be done is to