
How Platforms Leverage The Extended AI Community To Address Misinformation with Claire Leibowicz



How Platforms Leverage The Extended AI Community To Address Misinformation with Claire LeibowiczClaire Leibowicz currently leads the AI and Media Integrity program at the Partnership on AI. She holds a BA in Psychology and Computer Science from Harvard College, and a master’s degree in the Social Science of the Internet from Balliol College, University of Oxford, where she studied as a Clarendon Scholar.Not only tech companies should be involved in creating good, responsible, ethical AI, but also civil society organizations, academic venues, other parts of industry and especially media.AI and media integrity proposes a very simple way to have good, healthy, beneficial information online by using AI systems to do that. Not everyone agrees what type of content should be allowed online. Even humans don't agree about what misinformation is or what content should be shown to people through technology. Some tech companies feel empowered to take comments off platforms. So, not only just to declare a label or mor