
Breaking Things at Work with Gavin Mueller (In Conversation)



As the capitalist class continues to glom onto a kind of tech-utopianism, many of us are starting to recognize not just the detrimental impacts of certain technologies on our lives, but also the lies that have been sold to us about those technologies. Despite all of the technological advancements, we’re more isolated, exploited, and alienated than ever before. And it really does feel like there’s a growing, popular backlash against many of the technologies of our modern world as well as a resigned realization of their false promises. So, why is it that technological progress rarely seems to really improve our lives? Why does it feel like every new piece of software or gadget imposed onto us in our homes and workplaces more often than not adds to our stresses and leaves us with more to do?  Well, we’ve brought on a guest today that has a pretty clear answer to these questions. Gavin Mueller’s new book, Breaking Things at Work: The Luddites Are Right About Why You Hate Your Job, seamlessly weaves together the