Epic Success With Dr Shannon Irvine

Goal Setting works AGAINST how your BRAIN allows RESULTS with Dr. Shannon Irvine



Have you ever set goals for the new year, only to find yourself missing the mark by March (or sooner)? I have some news for you… it’s not your fault! The problem is the system you’ve been using to set goals is broken and doesn’t align with how your brain is wired. Traditional goal-setting is based on an antiquated system designed for the industrial age. It’s focused on producing more output (i.e. widgets) and making you a good employee rather than helping you achieve the freedom and success you desire. This is why you feel inspired in January but frustrated by March… and once your motivation wanes, you’re likely to shrink your goals to be more “manageable.” This is a logical course of action but one that puts your brain in fight or flight mode and bathes your brain in neurochemicals that allow you to feel ok about it BUT also stops clarity and forward momentum.What if I told you there is a better way? Because there is! Your brain is powerful, and you can create a year’s worth of goals in 67 days when you set