Christ Community Chapel - Hudson Campus

Freedom to Change - Too Much Doubt



Joe Coffey | This week, we look at the story of Thomas, the disciple of Jesus infamous for his doubt. While he may have been among the first Christians to express doubt in Jesus, he was far from the last. There is a type of healthy doubt that helps to refine and mature our faith, especially for those who have been raised in Christianity. However, doubt can also come in the form of a crisis of faith: the result of a misalignment of life choices and beliefs or a disappointment in God. These crises may not be experienced by everyone, but they can be truly challenging to endure. The good news is that as much as sin can push us further into doubt, obedience to God can draw us deeper into faith—much like Thomas experienced the gap of disappointment, felt Jesus’ scars and was brought back to abide in Jesus’ love.