Christ Community Chapel - Hudson Campus

Dirty Dozen - The Demon Possessed Man



Todd Iannetta | It's easy for us to look around, see people who have ended up at terrible points in their lives by making bad decisions, and think, "That could never be me." Should we be so sure, though? There is a road to evil, but most people don't choose to walk down it consciously. We don't set out to be "bad people," but we do we make little decisions to give in to sinful desires, taking small steps that we hardly notice or justify to ourselves. By the time we realize what we've done, it may feel like we've gone too far to turn back. The things we seek most in life end up controlling us, and if those things are sinful by nature, we can end up miserable and at a point where we hardly recognize ourselves anymore. Unless, as Todd explains today, we experience a collision of mercy that changes our course and ultimately saves us from ourselves.