The Top With Richie Phillips

My 2019 Year End Song



This podcast is truly a labor of love. It has personal meeting to me because every year since 1988 I have written a year end wrap-up song – and always a parody of the same tune- “WHEN JOHNNY COMES MARCHING HOME”.  No one’s really asked me to do it – and I’m not sure anyone cares if I do or not to be honest – but it’s just something that I thought would almost end up being a musical diary of what’s happened in the world For the past 3 plus decades.   Hopefully my grandson Aaron listen to it someday and will discover what a disturbed Grandpa he had!  In the podcast you’ll hear the very first one that I did in In the podcast you’ll hear the very first one that I did in and my latest.  ENJOY!  Happy 2020!