Young Boss Podcast

Create less content for better impact



If you know me, you are probably tired of hearing this… but I always tell people “maximize your content” use all of it! Falling between busy lifestyles, trends, social media algorithms flipping around, and overload of crazy information trust me. MOST of your audience is missing what you’re posting! If you already listened to my podcast “4 simple ways to overpower the Instagram algorithm” you know that only about 10% of your followers are truly seeing your content and receiving all the information you’re passing forward. Meaning that about 90% have not. Let’s not forget, if our audience is growing, we want everyone to see what we are posting and working hard on! When it comes to creating content, you don’t need to feel like you need to have the newest of the newest or can’t reuse something. We overwhelm ourselves a little too much! Trust me, I’ve been there too.I used to focus on quantity over quality. I used to make sure I p