War & Peace Podnotes, A Study Guide

Bk. 1, Pt. 1, Ch. 6 (1 of 2): Andrei & Pierre, Friends Desirous of the Other



Andrei and Pierre are interrupted by Princess Lise (Elisabeta Karlovna Bolkonskaya), who has changed from her formal wear into night attire. While the day is ending for Lise, the night remains young for Pierre.The Princess is quite happy to see Pierre. She views him as a like-mind and is comfortable speaking freely around him. Pierre brings up what has been crushing Lise's spirit, namely why is Andrei headed off to fight against the Napoleonic army. Her concern is Andrei's safety as well as being left behind late in her pregnancy.  She will be left to his family's country estate, staying with Andrei's father and sister. She remarks that men can’t get on in this world without war -- for their ego, they feel compelled to chase some type of power and glory. Women on the other hand, want nothing of it. Lise notes that Andrei has a lot going for him in St. Petersburg, a good position, an opportunity to work with Emperor Alexander, and most of all -- he is going to be a father. She gets more passion