War & Peace Podnotes, A Study Guide

Bk. 1, Pt. 1, Ch. 16: Bonaparte Stopped Austria's "Cackle" and Russia is Next



The extravagant Rostov feast is winding down and the political talk is reaching a zenith.Shinshin asks why Russia should be thrown into a war with Napoleon. He notes Bonaparte already stopped Austria’s cackle and Russia's turn is likely next. The ethnically German colonel (in the Russian Army) who is within earshot gets irritated and announces his fealty to the Emperor. The colonel quotes Alexander's Declaration of War, which has the refrain -- to establish a lasting peace; the country must mobilize for War. Shinshin responds that Russian stands little chance, especially considering General Suvorov was "hacked to pieces" by the French in the Alps and is now deceased. Shinshin notes there is nobody like Suvorov to mount a realistic challenge to Napoleon. Suvorov was a military leader ranked high on historical lists of top generals. He is known for success during the Russo-Polish conflict, two successful descents on Turtukai (a city on the Danube), his defense of the Black Sea fort 'Hirsov&#